Laura Haley-McNeil

12/9/18, Christmas Disasters

Hello, Everyone!

With the Christmas holidays can come Christmas disasters. Weather can ruin travel plans. Yearend deadlines at work can interfere with those extra days you had planned to take off.

We’ve seen those Christmas movies where Chevy Chase is decorating the house and ends up dangling from the gutter. Or how about that perennial favorite starring Macaulay Culkin who’s inadvertently left behind when the family leaves for their Christmas vacation?

And disasters can happen inside the home. I remember one cold and snowy year when we’d piled Christmas wrapping paper into the trashcan and placed it in the garage which was just outside the kitchen. Then someone through a smoldering log from the fireplace into the trashcan. We saw smoke coming from the kitchen and thought someone had left something on the stove. When we went into the kitchen, smoke was seeping through the door that connects to the garage.

We all started to scream. Someone called the fire department. Someone yelled to get out of the house. We waited in the cold and snow for the fire department to arrive. Fortunately, they extinguished the fire before the house was damaged. We were all safe and had a wonderful holiday. We were truly engraved in God’s hand that day.

In my Christmas story, Christmas Kiss, part of the ‘Tis the Season Christmas anthology, Vera and Darroch are gearing up for battle. Who is the rightful owner of her grandmother’s southern mansion? The house has its own problems. As Vera and Darroch draw battle lines with lawyers in tow, the ancient furnace in the crawl space wheezes its last gasp. Vera and Darroch need to work together to get the heating system going again, a difficult endeavor for lifetime enemies.

I hope your holidays are smooth and joyful and disaster-free. May you enjoy a season of peace and love and spend a delightful time with those who are dear to you. I wish you a wonderful week filled with magnificent and brilliant surprises!


