Laura Haley-McNeil

3/26/17, Spring Skiing

Hello, Everyone!

With winter giving way to spring, I hope that means you had a great week and are enjoying wonderful weather. It seems that the earth just knew it was spring and on the first day everywhere I looked I saw daffodils blooming and blossoms covering the trees. Everything just suddenly turned beautiful. It was a sight to behold!

Spring begins the season when it’s harder for me to write. After spending the winter cooped up inside the house or the office, I get a lot of writing done. The days are either too dreary or too cold to want to be outside. I sit on a loveseat in the family room, a very tiny room that used to a breezeway between the garage and the laundry room, with my laptop, and let my imagination take me to other worlds, which is the Crystal Creek ranch. I’m not tempted to look out the windows, which are two perpendicular picture windows that overlook the patio, because the days are short and by the time I return from work, have dinner and catch up on personal business, it’s dark outside and there’s nothing to see anyway.

That all changes with the longer days. Sunshine filters through the windows and I find myself staring at the garden and planning which flowers I want to plant where. My husband cleaned out the planters and the urns, something I had meant to do but never found the time. Now the gardens are ready for the flowers, which I can’t plant until after Mother’s Day in our part of the world, but that doesn’t keep me from daydreaming about colorful flowers spilling over the patio. Writing suffers as I take every moment I can find to go outside. Everything smells so clean and fresh. The neighbors are outside working in their yards or taking walks and it’s like we haven’t seen each other in years. There’s catching up to do. It’s nice to have a chat that doesn’t center around work. And then I’m trying to squeeze in a couple more ski days before the warm weather makes the snow too soft. It’s always a fun time to spend with friends and my sisters. Once summer starts, everyone is busy with family and vacations and I probably won’t spend time with them until fall and the kids are back in school. Of course, one of my nephews will be getting married in June, so that will be a great time – like a family reunion. My sister from Texas and her family will come. I can’t wait to see all of them.

Last week was also special because my grandniece was born. She was a week late which kept the rest of us sitting on pins and needles texting each other with the same question – is she here yet? She finally arrived as beautiful and sweet as she can be. And she’s chubby. I’ve only seen pictures of her as she lives a few hours away from my house, but I hope to see her soon. I’ve already given her the baby afghan I crocheted for her because I wanted to make sure she had it the day she arrived. I have two more afghans ready for the next babies, but no one has said anything to me about expecting so I think I’ll be holding these for a while.

In the meantime, I’m writing every chance I can find. Book 5 of the Crystal Creek series is close to being finished, but won’t ready for a March release date. That, of course, disappoints me, but it will definitely be ready for an April release date, which for me is very exciting. The cover release should be coming soon. In the meantime, I’m working on a second draft for Book 6. This has been a fun book to write and I’m looking forward to releasing it this summer.

I hope everything in your world is wonderful and that you have fun plans in store. Have a great week!

