Laura Haley-McNeil

4/30/17, Brrr!

Hello, Everyone!

I hope your weekend was wonderful and that you’ll be enjoying lovely spring weather in your part of the world. It’s been cold here. Yesterday, it snowed, which ruined my plans to work in the garden. I still have a lot bed clearing to do, but fortunately, my husband did quite a bit of that before the weather turned cold again. I haven’t had time to see how the yard looks, but I’m sure the weeds are enjoying the rain and the sun and not having someone disturb their spring so they send their monster roots into the soil making it next to impossible to be rid of them.

I am putting the finishing touches on my next book. The cover has been designed, which I love, and which I’ll reveal on my website and on my Facebook page very soon. When I release the book, I’ll be releasing something else, something that I’ll be giving away. I’ll have more information as soon as I have some time to develop a plan to release this work. It’s something I’ve written. Other authors have released similar works and their readers seem to enjoy this sort of writing so I thought I would do the same thing. There are sites that release books and other writings for free. I’ve signed up for them, I’ve even bought membership fees, but when it comes to technology, I’m always so afraid to work with it. For people who have time to sit and figure out how something work is wonderful for them, but with a day job and having a family and trying to find time to write, I have no time to sit and try to figure out all these programs and how they work. I know there are people who could do this for me, but it isn’t in my budget to hire someone for that. I’ll just have to be brave and learn out to use these programs. I’ve wanted to have something that I could give to my readers and now I’ve finally written something that I think they’ll enjoy.

In this blog, I have written about a series that I want to start and I’ll finally have that chance. There are several characters that have been developing in my mind. These will be women who are recent college graduates and who will be starting their careers. To this group I’m adding another character who will be the prequel to the series. As soon as I have more information on the project, I’ll be sharing that here and in my newsletter, so stay tuned.

I hope you have wonderful plans for the spring and for the summer, too, as it won’t be long before the kids will be out of school and we’ll be planning activities to make sure they keep entertained until school starts. Have a wonderful week and check back for more information and exciting news I can’t wait to share.

