Laura Haley-McNeil

6/21/20, Happy Father’s Day!

Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day, Everyone!

Today, we celebrate the men who may have been the most influential ones in our lives. My hat is off to the men who undertook the most daunting task of bringing children into the world and guiding them and nurturing them. This is a noble enterprise indeed.

Celebrating Fathers

And today I celebrate my own father who sacrificed much to make sure the six of us had what we needed. It seemed difficult then, but as our society has changed, it seems leading and guiding children to know what’s right and to be productive and virtuous members of society today is a daunting task.

Happy Father’s Day

For some, this day of celebration may be difficult, especially if you as I, have lost your father. It seems our parents will always be there dispensing wisdom and guidance. Alas, they are human and only destined to walk the earth for a short time.

Special Men in Our Lives

I hope that this  Father’s Day gives you joy and peace. Even if it means spending a special time remembering the days when your father seemed invincible. Maybe you’ll spend the day with another man, a husband, a son, a friend, who was influential in your life. No matter how you spend it, I hope it’s a day of celebration.

I pray God’s peace and joy for you and your loved ones and that you have a wonderful week!

