Laura Haley-McNeil

7/7/19, Questions to Ask Your Favorite Authors


Hello, Everyone!

Recently I read an article about what questions to ask your favorite authors. It was an interesting thought, and I wondered, what would I ask?

Questions to Ask Your Favorite Authors

I’ve attended book signings before. Many in the audience are very engaged and have all sorts of questions to ask or comments to share. I always feel self-conscious talking in front of a group, which is ridiculous because my day job requires that I talk to people all the time, but I’m talking business so I’m fine with that.

Are You Brave Enough To Ask a Question?

But when I’m a member of an audience and everyone turns to face me, I want to slide down into my seat. Many, many years ago, I attended an author event with another friend. Everyone had tons of questions to ask and I knew I had to ask one, so I asked the author if any of her books had been made into movies. She looked at me as if to ask don’t-you-know? I didn’t know. Everyone stared at me. I would’ve liked to have crawled out of the conference room, but I lifted my chin as if I’d asked the most brilliant question known to mankind. As it turned out, the author said several of her books had been optioned, but few of those options had turned into movies. See? That wasn’t too bad of a question.

Questions for My Favorite Author

Another time I was at a conference and several people had gathered around an author who is my favorite author and asked questions. She had written a novel that had a very evil character who hurt many other characters in the book. I wanted the evil character to receive her just rewards so I asked the author what became of the character. I thought that was a logical question because I know what becomes of my characters after the book ends. She looked at me as if I were crazy. I explained I wanted to make sure that the character faced justice, but she calmly explained that that doesn’t happen in life. Maybe not life, but what about fiction? She turned away and talked to another reader.

Questions for Your Favorite Author

What questions would you ask your favorite authors? And who are your favorite authors? Do you have questions you’d like to ask them? I’d love to hear them. I hope you’re braver than I and not afraid to speak your mind.

My prayers for a wonderful and blessed week for you and your loved ones and my hope that your summer is amazing!

