Laura Haley-McNeil

8/16/20, Summer Romance

Clean Beach Reads

Summer romance sums up summer. Sitting in a theatre and munching popcorn while watching beach movies. Sitting on a beach, or in my backyard next to the kiddie pool, and listening to a tenor voice profess profound love for his summer sweetheart even as he has to leave her and return to school. Yet  he’ll always remember their sweet romance, luscious kisses and cozy nights sitting by a campfire on a beach.  Never mind that beach campfires are now illegal. We’re talking fiction here.

Summer Romance

Who can resist those summer romances? Whether on a movie screen or in a book or if your digging through your memories, summer is the perfect time to fall in love. You arrive at the beach alone or with friends. You’re looking forward to that summer vacation when you can forget about school or work. You’re going to work on that tan. You’ve got a stack of beach reads you’ve collected all winter and now’s the perfect time to devour them.

Then He Walks into Your Life

There you are minding your own business when he strolls onto the beach. You feel him before you see him, know he’s hot, sense every woman on the beach has zeroed in on him. You have to catch a glimpse, but it has to be casual. You’ve got the bug-eye sunglasses, the floppy brimmed hat. Let’s just take a sip of that fruity cocktail you wouldn’t be caught dead drinking during your coworker happy hour.

The Rest of the Story …

You reach for the frilly glass with the umbrella. Careful now, you don’t need the end tip up your nose. Your eyes meet. His are dark and promising. He’s tan and broad and better than you thought.

He’s headed this way.

Time to turn that page and see what happens next.

And want happens next  is at end of this link so click it now and dive into this collection of sweet romances guaranteed to put a smile on your face as you sink into that beach chair and enjoy happily-ever-after.

I hope your summer is another one filled with fun that will make great memories. God bless you and your loved ones.

