Laura Haley-McNeil

3/1/20, Bad Boy Sweet Romance

Bad Boy Sweet Romance

Who said the bad boy sweet romance is an impossibility? That is wrong because the bad boys and sweet romance can fit together. Now find out why.

Sweet Romance

I subscribe to a number of newsletters by authors who write sweet romance. I’m like many romance readers–I don’t want to know all the details. When I learned there was an actual audience for romance sans sex, I knew I’d found my writing niche.

Bad Boy

So imagine my surprise when some of those sweet romance authors announced new releases starring bad boy heroes. Bad boy conjures up a whole different type of hero for me. Bad boy and sweet romance. That’s a dichotomy, but how can this hero fit into this romance genre?

What Makes Them Bad?

These authors found a way and with that they expanded their genre offerings.  These bad boys are still the ones your mother told to NEVER look at let alone date even though you secretly wanted to. But now we have the inciting moment where the hero and heroine meet and the reason they can’t get away from each other, even though the heroine knows the world as she knows it will end if she spends two minutes with this bad boy.

Bad Boy and the Sweet Girl

Is he thinking the same thing? Is she the girl he wanted but knew he was never good enough for her. She was special, needed to be treated a special way, knew he wasn’t worthy of her and if someone else who wasn’t worth of her looked at or treated her in an inappropriate way, he was there to save the day.


There opportunities are endless for the bad boy sweet romance hero. Kudos to my fellow authors because they stepped up and made this fantasy possible.

I hope your week is fun and exciting and makes your heart sing with joy. God bless you and your family!


