Laura Haley-McNeil

5/6/18, The Green Eyed Monster

Hello, Everyone!

I hope you had an amazing week and that wonderful things occurred or will soon! 

Spring finally seems to have arrived in our part of the world. I hope it has in yours. We actually had a day where I had to open some windows, which was wonderful. I love the smell of fresh air flowing through our tiny house, which makes writing enjoyable because I can see the flowers from the family room where I write, but difficult because I want to be outside.

I’m nearly finished writing Book 7 of the Crystal Creek Series, and have started to narrow down some titles. I wanted to pick a different theme for the title that showcases the romance part of the series, but also shows the suspense. It’s been fun to work through these titles and I’ve enjoyed the feedback from friends and beta readers. Everyone has a different viewpoint and I love receiving these comments. If you’d like to be part of the Street Team and become a beta reader, please contact me at I’d love to have you as part of the group. The more the merrier!

One thing I’ve noticed when reading romantic suspense is how jealousy can work its way into a relationship. Part of that is based on trust. Has your partner or even a friend given you reason not to trust him? For simiplicity’s sake, I’ll refer to the partner/friend as the love interest in the masuciline gender which reflects the genre I write. When trust is broken, suspicion follows. Now you’re wondering, “Why did he say that?” or “What did he mean by that?” It’s probably better to ask than try to figure it out, but when you know the question will make the partner defensive, then the questioning partner may let some time pass, may want to make sure she’s perceived the situation correctly, before questioning her partner’s behavior.

In my current work in process (WIP), the heroine, Teagan, is consumed with her career as a well-known violinist whose frequent travels take her out of town and around the world. Her absences give her friend an opportunity to spend more time with Teagan’s husband. Too late, Teagan realizes that by letting her career take priority over her marriage, her husband has sought comfort elsewhere. At first, Teagan believes dissolving the marriage is what her husband wants until she has a brief conversation with him and realizes he isn’t completely honest with his paramour, Teagan’s former friend.

Phin, the story’s hero, struggles with his past decisions of trusting someone he shouldn’t have. These decisions force him to live in isolation. He eschews all human contact, limiting himself to the beauty he finds in art and music, but when Teagan brings beautiful music into his home, he battles his self-enforced imprisonment with his longing to pursue the beauty that comes in the form of Teagan.

Jealousy can lead to other complications and what it leads to in this 7th book of the Crystal Creek Series, will change everyone’s life forever.

I love reading books that show how characters deal with jealousy, some admirable, others not so much, but it’s still wonderful to read a spellbinding tale that will keep my nose glued to a book until I turn the last page.

I hope you’re reading a great book that you can’t put down. Those are satisfying, but when you read the last page, you can’t help but want to read another spell binding book. Here’s hoping you have a list to keep you busy throughout the summer. 

And if the weather’s nice, be sure to step outside and breathe that wonderful spring time fragrance of fresh blossoms and beautiful flowers.

Have a magical week, Everyone! I hope wonderful things happen to you all!

