Laura Haley-McNeil

6/18/23, Clean Summer Beach Reads

Christian romance

With summer comes clean summer beach reads and a treasure trove of sweet romances. Don’t miss this giveaway. Click the link and download these great reads now!

If You Love Sweet Romance

Summer is a great time to relax and spend time on the beach or pretend you’re on the beach. While you’re there, pull out a sweet romance to while away the hours while you enjoy sun and fun and sand and undulating waves.

Clean Summer Beach Reads

We’ve looked forward to summer all year. When don’t we need a chance to kick back and relax?  With the kids out of school, we can enjoy that trip we’ve been planning all year, or my favorite way to relax by stretching out and taking it easy. No matter what your plans, remember that book you’ve been dying to read, because you finally have a chance.

Another Chance at Love

I can’t get enough sweet romance no matter what the season, so with this trove of FREE romance, I’ve included Book 1 of the Hearts of Crystal Creek Series—Another Chance at Love. For this book, I dusted off a few memories of when my family would spend time at my father’s family ranch. We’d travel to the nearby town, visit the historical museum and eat lunch on the lawn in front of the courthouse.

Trey was in his fifties when he felt God’s call to leave his venture capital job and attend seminary. He and his wife had great plans of finding a church to pastor, but when his wife dies of cancer, he and his teenage children lose the rudder of their ship through life. With plans to make a cross-country trip, they’re drawn to the mountain town of Crystal Creek, but it’s the friendly waitress named Hannah that makes Trey wonder if he and his children should stay.

Hannah never fully recovered from the summer when a star bronc rider broke her and left her pregnant. She and teenage daughter get by, but when she finds herself drawn to this kind older man, she words twice as hard to protect her heart.

Welcoming Summer

After this long, cold winter, I welcome summer with open arms. My husband and I have an old jeep we like to take to the mountains and explore ghost towns moldering away on mountaintops. How those miners trudged up steep slopes to mine gold confounds anyone who’s trudged up the mountainside. The adventure shouldn’t be missed.

I hope your summer promises excitement or relaxation that brings enjoyment all season long.

Be well and safe, my dear friends. God bless you all!



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