Hello, Everyone! I hope it’s warming up nicely in your part of the world. Now that ski season is over, for me at any rate, I’m counting the days until spring. In my garden, I’ve spied a few crocuses poking through the detritus of last fall, their bright yellow petals a cheery site after seeing …
3/4/18, The Beach House
Hello, Everyone! It’s March! Spring is almost here. Every year, I buy a limited ski pass. Because of my day job, I can’t take off too much time from work, so I only ski a few times a year. Everyone else in my family is self-employed or retired so they have season passes and ski …
2/25/18, Forgiveness
Hello, Everyone! I hope the weather is lovely in your part of the world. In my fair state, it has snowed several times and temperatures have dipped to below zero. A lovely reminder that winter is still here. I have to remind myself that this will make spring more enjoyable. With spring come birthdays and …
2/18/18, Character Inspiration
Hello, Everyone! We’re inching closer to spring, my favorite time of year, because I can start planting the flowers I have been planning to add to my garden since September. My husband is very patient and helps me with the digging. There’s no way I can dig holes deep enough to plant the flowers or …
2/11/18, Happy Valentine’s Day
Hello, Everyone! Isn’t it wonderful that we have one of the most amazing holidays of the year in the middle of winter? I look out the window and see gray skis and brown grass and bare trees and I long for spring. I’m a huge fan of spring because it gives me a chance to …
2/4/18, Cover Reveal
Hello, Everyone! We’re now entering the month of love and for me another month of many birthdays! One of my grandnephews turns 3 this month. I can’t believe he’s getting so big. Gone is the baby who depended on others for feeding and caring. Now he’s a little boy, not so little, who is pressing …
1/28/18, Victoria
Hello, Everyone! We just experienced a snowstorm that we haven’t seen in a while. I don’t mind, because I find the snow beautiful and I can watch it from the refuge of our tiny family room, which used to be a breezeway so it really doesn’t deserve the family room moniker. My husband, however, is …
1/21/18, “This is Home!”
Hello, Everyone! We are moving along through January, and I hope that everything is going well with you and that you are finding 2018 to be your best year yet! It may be a little early to determine, but I’m confident it will be. January is a busy month for me because we have so …
1/14/18, Just Say NO!
Hello, Everyone! We are firmly into the new year, the holidays are behind us, and now we’re looking forward to implementing the plans we so industriously wrote down on new year’s eve. Or maybe you’re like me and just kind of wing it. I keep a goal list in my head, and once in a …
1/7/18, Breaking My Heart
Hello, Everyone! The holidays have ended. They seem to go on forever. Many of my family members and friends start Christmas shopping in the summer, but the real push for me is Thanksgiving, even though I’m a procrastinator and don’t shop until the last minute, and then the next several weeks are frantic with Christmas …